Oct 24, 2008

Art + Action = Obama 08 - The Showroom NYC - Oct. 17, 2008

Unless you have been living in a cave in Aff-Wan-A-Stan then you probably know about Obamania.(I can think of someone living in a cave who is aware of his popularity, he who shall remain nameless). So, the Obama Art train rolled into my backyard last week in the form of a show which consisted of custom designed Obama action figures by various artist at The Showroom NYC at Toy Tokyo.

The figures were for sale and proceeds went to the Obama campaign. The prices were reasonable and those that didnt sell will be auctioned off. There was quite a few people there and the line to get in was long but moved quickly. They had free beer and wine as well as a DJ, which was a nice touch. The obama figure below is my favorite, the White House was made of paper!

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